Community Guidelines

The YES app is a conduit to living life through experiences. When enjoying these experiences, always treat others with respect and dignity.

To keep our daters informed and secure, we will proactively develop tools, features, and additional resources. These helpful resources will be simple to use, understand, and navigate.

We want our community members to always feel safe, secure, and protected from known risks. At the same time, we want them to feel empowered to report all potential community threats we are not yet aware of.

Take Extra Precautions

We will respond immediately to reports and alerts in order to promote a secure environment for dating. Once notified, we will take swift action to ensure the safety of YES Daters.

In responding to a report, we will welcome and take into account all pertinent information. When more information is required, we will ask; this is not done to invalidate a report, but rather to aid in problem-solving and understanding. The more we know, the easier it is for us to eliminate our biases and uphold our safety ideals. We respect your privacy and will never reveal the details of your report to anyone you have reported.

Remove Our Biases

Our programs, procedures, and policies will undergo routine and ongoing evaluation. We strive to provide a safe, judgment-free environment of integrity for everyone.

Don’t Judge

We want YES Daters to have relevant information about prospective matches so they may connect with others who share their values and interests. We aren’t here to determine what is true and false, but we do recognize our duty to do everything in our power to prevent our users from endangering or harming others.


We want to hear from YES Daters regarding their experience with the app. Please report any unacceptable behavior or concerns. Additionally, we are always looking to improve the YES experience, so if you have any feature requests or suggestions for enhancing the app, we look forward to hearing your thoughts. We are here to help YES Daters in any way we can, including directing them to resources and services that can offer assistance from qualified professionals. We strongly advise you to file an appeal if you were banned and believe it might be a retaliatory action or fraudulent reporting. We strive to respond to all requests in a timely manner.

Respect and Trust

We offer a secure environment where people can establish lasting relationships. YES Daters entrust us with their private information, and we will treat it with respect as we develop our products and services. The existence, status, or specifics of a given account will only be discussed with the account owner.

Intervene (when necessary)

When something or someone threatens a YES Dater with physical or emotional harm, our team will intervene.

YES is dedicated to cooperating with law enforcement as necessary and attending to legitimate law enforcement requests.

We take self-harm and suicide very seriously, and we’ll do our best to support those in this community who are struggling.


Ours is a welcoming and varied community. As a result, you might see viewpoints that are different from your own. YES Daters are urged to remove or skip persons they are not interested in while still respecting the beliefs of others, even those beliefs they don’t agree with. In keeping with our community principles of empathy and kindness, we ask that members avoid commenting or matching with someone with the purpose of criticizing them for their beliefs.


Consent must be expressed openly and unambiguously.

Express consent can be given and retracted. Implied consent is another option. There is an unstated assumption that YES members do not support harassment, hate speech, or any other form of physical or emotional abuse. This covers suggestions, remarks, and images that are sexual in nature.

It is unacceptable to start a conversation or post information on your profile that is obscene, sexual, or offensive.

Observe All Boundaries

YES Dating users should not contact fellow users outside of the YES app unless this contact has been explicitly agreed to.

A person’s presence on YES does not constitute an invitation to communicate with them online. If someone did not reciprocate your interest on YES, you should accept their decision and not look them up on social media.


YES Daters are not required to include a surname, but you shouldn’t enter an incorrect name or birthdate, keep several accounts, nor should you register if you’re under the age of 18. It is unfair to the YES community and inconsistent with our ideals of honesty and authenticity to misrepresent your age or upload inaccurate or out-of-date images. Doing so can result in account review. If you feel someone was insincere with their representation, please report them via the profile detail screen or in the after-date review on YES.

YES profiles are carefully crafted to highlight your personality and personal preferences. This should give people a complete picture of who you are so they can form an accurate impression of you. We do respect limits; YES Daters can express their humor and feelings in ways that are sincere and considerate of other members.


Give a little and you will get a lot in return. The more effort you put into your profile and the date experiences you create, the better your chances of meeting great people. Profiles with only one or two words and a few memes will make it difficult for others to learn about you. The real you is what people are looking to discover.


YES Daters are looking for a meaningful relationship, so always be aware of what information you choose to share, and how you ask for information you’re hoping to learn about the other person.

We’ve made it possible for people to connect. Authenticity, openness, and respect form the cornerstone of any meaningful connection. We ask that YES Daters treat everyone with respect and that they portray themselves in a genuine manner.

If we become aware of a potential infringement of the Terms of Service, we will put in place a warning or safety alert system.

We acknowledge and respect the various paths a fulfilling relationship might take.

If you’re open and sympathetic about what you’re seeking and not soliciting or acting criminally, we appreciate you and welcome you wholeheartedly.