Safe Dating Advice

While going on dates and enjoying experiences can be exciting, you should always exercise caution when meeting with strangers. Whether you are exchanging early texts or meeting in person, use your best judgment and prioritize your safety. We encourage communication within the messaging system of the app before communicating externally. Here are some things you can do to keep yourself safe while using YES.

Never Send Money or Share Financial Information Even if the sender claims to be experiencing an emergency, never send money, especially by wire transfer. It’s very difficult to undo a wire transfer or track where the money went, just like cash. Never divulge information about your bank accounts that could be exploited to access them. Report it to us right away if another user approaches you and demands money. Visit the FTC website for guidance from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission on how to prevent romance scams. Protect Your Personal Information Never provide personal information to strangers, such as your social security number, home or workplace address, or specifics about your daily schedule (for instance, the fact that you visit a particular gym every Monday). Limit the information you offer about your kids on your profile and in early communications if you’re a parent. Don’t provide information about your kids, such as their names, where they attend school, or their ages or genders. Stay on the Platform During the initial stages of getting to know someone, keep your communication on the YES platform. Users with malicious intent frequently want to switch the chat right away to text, messaging apps, email, or phone because interactions on YES are subject to our Safe Message Filters. Be Wary of Long Distance and Overseas Relationships Be wary of con artists who claim to be from the United States and are stranded in another country, especially if they request financial assistance to return home. A person who refuses to meet up in person or speak to you over the phone or via video call may not be who they claim to be. A warning sign is when someone pushes for a serious relationship without getting to know you or answering your inquiries. Report All Suspicious and Offensive Behavior You can spot when someone has gone too far, and when that happens, it is important that you inform us right away. Anyone who breaches our terms will be blocked and reported. Some examples of violations are as follows:
  • Demands for cash or donations
  • Harassment, threats, and unpleasant remarks
  • Unsuitable or damaging conduct before, during, or after in-person meetings
  • False profiles
  • Spam or solicitation that contains links to business websites or tries to sell goods or services
You can send an email to or report any suspicious behavior from any profile page or message window. Check out our Membership Principles for additional details. Protect Your Account Do not divulge your YES SMS code to anyone when you are logging in with your phone number. No other website requiring this code to confirm your identity is associated in any way with YES Inc.

Don’t Rush

Before deciding to meet up, take your time and get to know the other person. Asking inquiries to check for any red flags or personal deal-breakers is not anything to be afraid of. Before a meeting, a phone or video conference might be a helpful screening tool, which you can do through YES messaging without revealing your phone number.

Meet in Public and Stay in Public

Never meet for the first few dates in your home, your date’s home, or any other private spot that you would not want a stranger to know about or have access to. Instead, choose a busy, public area. End the date if your date pushes you to go somewhere private that you are not comfortable with.

Tell Friends and Family About Your Plans

Inform a friend or member of your family about your plans, including the time, location of your date and the name of your date. Keep a charged cell phone with you at all times.

Be in Control of Your Transportation

Be in charge of how you get to and from your date. It’s a good idea to prepare a backup plan if you plan to drive yourself, such as a ride-sharing app or a friend to pick you up.

Know Your Limits

Know how drugs or alcohol affect you personally because they can make you less discerning and alert. Hold your ground and end the date if your date tries to get you to use drugs or consume more alcohol than you feel comfortable with.

Don’t Leave Drinks or Personal Items Unattended

Always be aware of where your drink is at all times and only take beverages that are poured or served by the bartender or server. Numerous drugs used to facilitate sexual assault are flavorless, colorless, and odorless. Additionally, always keep your phone, handbag, wallet, and anything else that contains sensitive information on you.

If You Feel Uncomfortable, Leave

If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the date, it’s acceptable and encouraged to end it early. Additionally, if something feels odd or you feel insecure, contact the bartender or server for assistance.

LGBTQ+ Travel

We understand and value being inclusive of all gender identities and sexual orientations, but the truth is that there are risks everywhere in the globe, and certain nations have laws that specifically target LGBTQ+ persons. When you visit a new location, check to see whether local laws provide you with legal protection based on your sexual orientation. In the event that you are in an unsafe area, we advise that you log out of YES or temporarily deactivate the app.

If you decide to meet new people in these nations, it’s crucial to proceed with extra caution because some law enforcement agencies have been known to utilize dating apps as instruments for possible entrapment. Recently, laws have been passed in certain nations that make it illegal for same-sex people to communicate with one another through dating apps or websites. If those contacts result in sexual encounters, the penalty is even more severe. Visit ILGA World to see the latest sexual orientation laws by country.

Protect Yourself

Condoms can greatly lower the risk of contracting and spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV when used correctly and regularly. STIs such as herpes and HPV, however, can spread through skin-to-skin contact. Through vaccination, the risk of acquiring some STIs can be lowered.

Know Your Status

You don’t want to be in the dark about your health situation, because not all STIs exhibit symptoms. Get tested frequently to keep up with your health and stop the spread of STIs. Here is where you can locate a clinic in your area (U.S. only).

Talk About It

Everything depends on communication. Discuss sexual health and STI testing with a partner before engaging in physical intimacy. Also, be aware that it may be illegal in some jurisdictions to intentionally transmit an STI.


Every sexual encounter must begin with consent, and communication with your partner should continue throughout. Make sure you respect each other’s boundaries by communicating verbally. Sex is never owed to anyone, and consent can always be revoked at any time. If your date seems uneasy or uncertain, or if they can’t consent because of the effects of drink or drugs, don’t take it any further.

Remember that no risk-reduction strategy is foolproof, even if you follow our recommendations. If you’ve had a bad encounter, please understand that it’s not your fault and assistance is available. Please report any incidents and consider contacting one of the resources listed below. Call your local law enforcement agency or 911 in the United States or Canada if you believe you are in immediate danger or need emergency assistance.

RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline

1-800-656-HOPE (4673) I I

Planned Parenthood

1-800-230-7526 I

National Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 I

National Human Trafficking Hotline

1-888-373-7888 or text 233733 I

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

1-877-739-3895 I

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678) I

Cyber Civil Rights Initiative

1-844-878-2274 I

VictimConnect – Crime Victim Resource Center

1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846) I

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center

LGBT National Help Center

1-888-843-4564 I

Trans Lifeline

1-877-565-8860 (US) or 1-877-330-6366 (CA) I